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Media Highlights

Bearman, E. (2018). The Complex Layers of Coming Out. KGO 810 The Ethan Bearman Show. Retrieved from   complex-layers-of-coming-out

Silverman, L. (2018). 9 Adult Coloring Books to Color All Your Stress Away. Everyday  Health. Retrieved from    coloring-books-color-all-your-stress-      away/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Organic&i10c.encReferrer=&i10c.u a=1&i10c.dv=14

Meyers, L. (2018). Talking about #MeToo. Counseling Today. Retrieved from


Charles, S. (2018). Suffering in silence: how two athletes redefined mental health in sports through authenticity. PRESS magazine. Retrieved from


Dodgson, L. (2018). Diagnosing the mental health of celebrities like Kanye West and  Amanda Bynes from afar is damaging and dangerous. The Business Insider. Retrieved from   celebrities-from-afar-damaging-2018-11


Haglage, A. (2018). Kanye West says he was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder: 'I had sleep deprivation'. Yahoo News. Retrieved from    disorder-sleep-deprivation-000405518.html


National Board for Certified Counselors (2018). A Counselor Who Fulfills Many Roles.NBCC Visions. Retrieved from Ali?_zs=5PseE1z8VPc&_zmi=


Doyle, M. (2018). How To Manage The Holidays When You Have Depression, According to Experts. Bustle. Retrieved from     the-holidays-when-you-have-depression-according-to-experts-13197898


Doyle, M. (2018). How I Live With PTSD, An Invisible Illness Most People Don't Know I Have. Bustle. Retrieved from invisible-illness-most-people-dont-know-i-have-13171131


Siegal, R. (2018). After Kate Spade's Death, Widening The Conversation About Women's Mental Health. NPR’s On Point. Retrieved from


Rahhal, N. (2018). Another spike in suicides -particularly among women: CDC report reveals more than 45,000 Americans took their own lives in 2016. The Daily Mail.   Retrieved from  reveals-45-000-took-lives-2016.html


Bray, B. (2016, July 8). Counselors play part in Orlando crisis response. Counseling Today. Retrieved from

Presentation Highlights

Ali, S. (2018, April). Empowering Clients through Affirmative Practice. LGBTQ+competence provided for Central Florida Behavioral Health Hospital.               

Lee, C. & Ali, S. (2017, October). Intersectionality: Understanding the Complexity of Identity in Counseling across Cultures. Paper presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Chicago, IL.


Ali, S. & Bloom, Z.D. (2017, October). Inside and out of the classroom: Methods to enhance emotional intelligence in counselor education. Paper accepted to be presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Chicago, IL.

Ali, S. (2017, October). Inquiring on Intersections: A Critical Process in Multicultural Counseling Competence. Paper presented at the Florida Counseling Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.

Ali, S. (2017, January). From sadness to joy: Creative interventions to foster emotional intelligence. Paper presented at the University of Central Florida Counseling Conference. Orlando, FL.


Ali, S. (2017, January). Coming out growth: Empirically-supported strengths-based interventions to assist LGBTQ+ clients in counseling. Paper presented at the University of Central Florida Counseling Conference. Orlando, FL

Research Highlights

Ali, S. & Lambie, G. W. (2018). The Impact of Strengths-based Group Counseling on LGBTQ+ Young Adults’ in the Coming Out Process. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health.


Ali, S. & Bloom, Z.D. (2018). Creative approaches to address online dating in counseling. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. DOI:   10.1080/15401383.2018.1535922


Ali, S. (2017). Inside out and counseling: Creative interventions to facilitate emotional intelligence. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 12(3), 377-387.


Ali, S., Lambie, G. W., & Bloom, Z.D. (2017). Exploring the factor structure of the sexual orientation counselor competency scale. The Professional Counselor, 7 (3), 223-237.


Ali, S. (2017) The Coming Out Journey: A Phenomenological Investigation of a Lifelong Process Counseling and Coming-Out. VISTAS.


Ali, S., Cushey, K., & Siddiqui, A. (2017). Diversity and dance: Exploring the therapeutic implications of world dance. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 12(1), 31-47.


Bloom, Z. D., Gutierrez, D., Lambie, G. W., & Ali, S. (2016). Counselors’ comfort with sexuality, attitudes towards pornography, and propensity to assess and treat  client issues related to client pornography use. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 38(4), 327-345. DOI: 10.17744/mehc.38.4.04


Barden, S. M., Gutierrez, D., Gonzalez, J., Ali, S. & Cruz-Ortega, L.G. (2016). Perspectiva masculina: An exploration of intimate partners of Latina breast    cancer survivors. The Family Journal, 24, 222-229. DOI 0.1177/106648071664869


Barden, S. M., Gutierrez, D., Gonzalez, J., & Ali, S.  (2016). Healing Faith: A Qualitative Exploration of Latina Breast Cancer Survivors. Counseling and Values, 61(3), 142-158. DOI: 10.1002/cvj.12034


Ali, S. & Barden, S.M. (2015). Considering the cycle of coming out: Sexual minority identity development. The Professional Counselor 5 (4). 501-515.

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